Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sexy Ideas for the Holidays

The holidays can be a stressful time. 

Remember to spend some time with the ones you love. 

Sing a few Christmas carols. Some of them can bring back special memories of time you spent together in the past. "I'll be home for Christmas is one that can make me cry every time I hear it." 

No one likes to be alone.

Or if you're like me and can't play the piano and get a cold every Christmas so my sing voice goes on the fritz.

Why not just have a relaxing evening by your Christmas tree or in front of a roaring fire?

Don't make it fancy or a lot of work. Just a simple time to enjoy the company of the one you love.

If you don't like either one of these ideas, try lying in bed with a good book--the hotter the best.

Wild Rose Press is having a number of books on sale this month. Check them out and sign up for the newsletter for even more deals.

Also remember to download free the Wild Rose Press cookbook.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season,

Anita Philmar

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